DataChem Software User License Agreement for Online, Downloadable and CD Programs That Time Out

A LICENSE for a DataChem Software product authorizes the licensee to use the questions, explanations, resources, and program of the DataChem Software product for a licensed period of time in the manner permitted below.  The licensee DOES NOT OWN the questions, explanations, resources, or program of the DataChem Software product.  The use of the questions, explanations, resources, and program contained in the DataChem Software product is limited as described below.

This product is copyrighted.  All rights are owned by DataChem Software, Inc., and no implied licenses or other transfers of any rights are hereby conveyed.  Unauthorized copies of this product, including any print or electronic copies of any of the questions, explanations or other information contained in this product, as well as any copies of the software associated with this product are strictly prohibited.  Moreover, any unauthorized usage of this product is strictly prohibited.  This product, if in a downloadable or CD form, is licensed for use by an authorized user on a single computer for the licensed period of time.  This product, if accessed online in a non-downloadable form, is licensed for use by an authorized user on any internet-enabled device for the licensed period of time.  After expiration of the licensed period of time, any license to this product automatically expires, and any further usage of this product is prohibited.  If the license to this product is a multi-user license, the licensee may permit up to the licensed number of multiple users to use   this product subject to the limitations and restrictions set forth herein.    A company or organization that has a multi-user license is responsible for designating an appropriate number of users within the company or organization and is responsible for ensuring that only designated users use this product and that all such designated users use this product subject to the limitations and restrictions set forth herein.   A licensee cannot transfer its right to use this product to another party.    Use of this product constitutes agreement with these license terms.

DataChem Software User License Agreements for CD's that do NOT time out - Only Applies to CPEprep V2.0

Individual License

An INDIVIDUAL license for a DataChem Software product authorizes the individual to use the questions, explanations and program. The purchaser DOES NOT OWN the content of the software, the question/explanation text, nor the application. The use of the questions, explanations and program are limited as described below.

This product is copyrighted. All rights are owned by DataChem Software, Inc. Unauthorized copies are prohibited.

This product is authorized for use by ONLY ONE individual. The authorized user may elect to install the software on more than one computer at a time, but it is to be used only by the authorized user. Regardless of who purchases the software, only one person is authorized to use the software.

Rights to use the questions, explanations and program are NOT TRANSFERABLE. A company or organization that purchases the product is responsible for designating one authorized user within the company or organization. The purchasing company or organization cannot transfer the right to use the software again to another user.

Printed copies of the questions are also copyrighted and are covered by this license. The license holder may not distribute questions that have been printed from the database for use by any other person or organization.

Use of the software constitutes agreement with these license terms.


Other Licenses

Should you and/or your organization have other licensing needs please feel free to contact us.